‘Moje Smeti (My Rubbish)’ – an automated electronic record of the emptying of rubbish containers in trial operation
Since December 2021, the ‘Moje Smeti (My Rubbish)’ service, an electronic record of waste dumping, has been in trial operation at selected locations in Trnava.
The volume and weight of waste according to descriptive numbers is automatically recorded by scanning RFID chips (Radio Frequency Identification) on rubbish containers using special antennas attached to collection vehicles. The Watchdog system is installed in five vehicles, and dynamic scales in four vehicles in Trnava.
The system monitors the emptying of each rubbish bin, including the weight of the waste it contains. At the same time, it accurately records all operations of collection vehicles and their routes. The recording software processes the collected data in real time and enables further evaluation and optimisation of daily waste collection management.
The public will also have access to their own data via the ‘Moje Smeti’ web client portal with their own ‘waste’ account. They will be able to access their account after registering in the system.
On the portal, citizens can continuously monitor the waste generated by their household by individual commodity, including the waste they themselves take to a collection point. They can also check the exact time that their containers were emptied, and compare their level of sorting against the average in the city.
Thanks to the portal, municipalities will have a comprehensive overview of waste and waste containers and collections in their area and at a central location.
The main aim of the ‘Moje Smeti’ service is to increase the efficiency of waste management from an ecological and cost point of view, and also to collect data enabling the optimisation of waste collection costs. The system should also motivate people to reduce the overall volume of municipal waste by strictly separating paper, plastics and biological waste. At the same time, the new service contributes to reducing the amount of waste in landfills and to increasing the amount of materially and energetically usable waste components. The introduction of the ‘Moje Smeti’ service will also have a positive impact on municipal waste disposal prices for the municipality, and on waste collection fees for the individual.