ASMJ Jihlava won the award for social responsibility in the region

The services of our FCC Environment CEE Group companies are closely linked to the regions in which we operate. If our services are running smoothly, they should be largely unnoticed by the citizens we serve. However, when difficulties arise, people become quickly aware of them. Our goal is to provide the highest quality service possible, and we are pleased when our work is recognised. This makes us all the more appreciative of the accolades we receive from regional representatives and citizens.
This year one such award was received by our colleagues from Jihlava (Czech Republic). For their exemplary implementation of the principles of social responsibility, they received the prestigious "Award of the Governor of the Vysočina Region for Social Responsibility". The Region wants to recognise the efforts of organisations that integrate social, environmental, ethical, human rights and customer interests into their operational activities.
The competition was first announced in 2015. A total of 27 organisations entered the sixth edition after a hiatus caused by the covid pandemic. The three organisations with the highest number of points in each category and sub-category were awarded. AMSJ won the award in the category "Private sector up to 50 employees".