Change in the company name of .A.S.A. Bulgaria Ltd.
Effective from 7-th February 2017, the company name of .A.S.A. Bulgaria Ltd. has changed to FCC Bulgaria Ltd.
All other company particulars (registered seat, Id No., Tax Id No., banking information) remain unchanged.
.A.S.A. Bulgaria Ltd. FCC Bulgaria Ltd.
3А Nikolai Haytov St, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria 3А Nikolai Haytov St, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
ID No.: 831578348 ID No.: 831578348
Tax ID No.: BG831578348 Tax ID No.: BG831578348
Managers: Vassil Vassilev, Anton Antonov Managers: Vassil Vassilev, Anton Antonov
Following this change, we would like to ask you to start using the company’s new name,
FCC Bulgaria Ltd., in communication with our company from 7-th February 2017.
From this date on, all orders, contracts, agreements and other business communication must be executed solely using the company’s new name.
The same applies to tax documents with the date of taxable supply (DUZP) after 7-th February 2017 – these must be issued with the new name, FCC Bulgaria Ltd.
The change in our company’s trading name will have no impact on any rights and obligations of our company towards its business partners and vice versa. Nothing will change on already concluded contracts and agreements.