Explore the waste-to-energy plant from the inside!

As you will already be aware, our company operates the waste-to-energy plant in Zistersdorf (AT). But, do you know how such a waste-to-energy plant works? What's really going on inside the incinerator- and that from here the incineration of treated waste drives the turbine producing electricity capable of powering 30.000 households?
.A.S.A.’s modern waste-to-energy facility in Zistersdorf uses residential and commercial (industrial) solid waste as a fuel to generate electricity in almost the same way as traditional power plants produce energy. It is a highly efficient process. The waste-to-energy plant converts trash to energy through controlled combustion, using advanced emissions-control equipment.
The incineration process saves primary energy (a comparable power production would need about 40 million liters of oil) and also produces resources vital to the steel industry (removal of scrap- up to about 35.000 tons a year). The impact on the environment is minimized thanks to the use of railway transport (up to 70%) to deliver the input material, effective cleaning of flue gases, no effluents and less usage of potable water.
If you would like to learn more about the process, just click on the picture below. .A.S.A. has prepared an informative animation of the whole process.