FCC Austria is expanding its activities to the West Tyrol region
FCC Austria Abfall Service AG has succeeded in the tender for ABV Westtyrol and will begin providing the transportation and treatment of municipal waste for this Waste Management Association from January 1st, 2022. The term of contract is for five years, with two possible extension options by unilateral declaration; firstly, an extension of a further three years; secondly, extending (the already extended contract term) by a further two years. In the event of such an extension the contract will run until 31/12/2031 and is therefore limited to a maximum of ten years (5 + 3 + 2 years). The total contract value could reach up to 33 million €.
FCC Austria will be responsible for the takeover and treatment of waste collected from the transfer station, which is operated by the Contracting Authority. This waste mainly consists of municipal and bulky waste from households, commercial waste similar to household waste (including waste from tourist companies), screenings from sewage treatment plants and screen overflow from the mechanical pre-treatment of bio waste.
Environmentally friendly treatment and transport processes
All of the waste will be thermally recycled, in compliance with legal conditions and official requirements, at the waste incineration plant of FCC Zistersdorf Abfall Service GmbH - a 100% subsidiary of FCC Austria Abfall Service AG.
The transportation of the approximately 20,000 tonnes of waste per year will be carried out via an intermodal MOBILER system with 53 m3 containers. Although the first 7-kilometre phase, to the Ötztal Austrian Railways (ÖBB) station, will be done by road with a tractor-semitrailer combination, most of the journey (634 km) will be done by rail. This solution proposed by FCC Environment is extremely environmentally friendly and avoids the emission of more than 1,400 tonnes of CO2 every year.