
FCC co-financed the new Sensory Integration Diagnosis and Therapy Center at the Psychological and Pedagogical Clinic in Tarnobrzeg

FCC co-financed the new Sensory Integration Diagnosis and Therapy Center at the Psychological and Pedagogical Clinic in Tarnobrzeg

Tarnobrzeg is a city in south-eastern Poland, where FCC has been operating for almost 15 years now. We always want to be a good neighbor who cares for local communities and helps to address local challenges through various initiatives and projects.

That is why FCC co-financed the new Sensory Integration Diagnosis and Therapy Center at the Psychological and Pedagogical Clinic in Tarnobrzeg. The new center will help, free of charge, children who need specialist support in emotional and motor development. Especially now, after the pandemic, this is clearly needed. Parents from Tarnobrzeg will no longer have to use private healthcare or go to other cities in order to get such support for their children.

The Sensory Integration Diagnosis and Therapy Center has all the necessary equipment needed for proper stimulation through play, such as swing, balance beam, mattresses and rubber balls.



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