Resources for art: .A.S.A. Dress supports Billi Thanner‘s exhibition „Der Faden zieht sich durch“

FCC Environment CEE supports the current exhibition of the Austrian artist Billi Thanner with .A.S.A. Dress second-hand-clothing.
Vienna, 15th June 2016. Our consumer beviour is changing, sustainable consumption is on the agenda more often, even second-hand-clothing has discarded it’s image of smelly used goods. The visual artist Billi Thanner deals with the question how consumption influences the construction of our identity and is currently presenting her art at the AIC gallery in Vienna with the title “Der Faden zieht sich durch”, (“The thread is running through”). The FCC Environment CEE supports the exhibition with it’s brand .A.S.A. Dress which stands for high class textile second-hand goods.
Exhibition until 24th June in Vienna
The exhibition „Der Faden zieht sich durch“ (“The thread is running through”) runs through June 24th at the AIC gallery, Wallnerstraße 4/37, 1010 Vienna. In her current work exhibition Thanner created a work of art “Slayed by the consumer society – R.I.P” with second-hand-textiles from .A.S.A. Dress. “We are in the middle of a paradigm shift. Used goods and products, such as clothing and textiles, are being processed to valuable resources and contribute to saving resources”, says Dr. Bertram Laub from FCC Environment CEE Group. “They can also be a suitable resource for art work, especially if one deals with consumption and consumer behaviour critically”, adds the artist Billi Thanner. After all, for the global jeans production, an amount of 25 billion m³ of fresh water is being used. That’s an equivalent of 30 times the water volume of the Carinthia’s Wörthersee year after year.
Billi Thanner – subversive comments with the aesthetics of commercial advertising

Billi Thanner was born 1972 and lives and works in Vienna. She is one of the protagonists of a new generation of the contemporary, modern actionism. Strong women tableus and painted story spaces around the topic femininity determine her art work. She uses the aesthetics of commercial advertising of previous decades and the demonstration of archetype of the consumer world for her subversive comments of the present-time. Thanner is represented with her work internationally – in exhibits and galleries for example in Munich, Karlsruhe, Antwerpen, Maastricht, Basel, Macura, Peking, Shanghai, Moskau as well as famous art fairs in Cologne, Basel, Karlsruhe, Frankfurt, Munich and Paris.
.A.S.A. Dress – high class textile second-hand-goods for the fashion conscious
The FCCEnvironment CEE Group owns their European wide protected brand „.A.S.A. Dress“ since 2015 which is known for high class textile second hand clothes. .A.S.A. Dress Premium Quality in particular stands for fashionable, nearly new, partly unworn brand clothing, shoes and accessoires such as belts, bags and scarves. Contrary to the common second hand business, the .A.S.A. Dress premium clothing has to pass a quality control and sorting process and is cleaned professionally in a separate laundry, ironed by hand, straightened and smells fresh.
About FCC Environment CEE
The FCC Environment CEE (.A.S.A. Abfall Service AG) with headquarter in Himberg is the largest waste management company and citizen service provider as well as a significant supplier for secondary raw materials in CEE. The company has more than 4.300 employees in 8 countries.
.A.S.A. Abfall Service AG
Mag. Tanja Calof, MSc
e-mail: tanja.calof@fcc-group.eu
Tel.: +43 2235 855-2251
© Copyright pictures „Slayed by the consumer society – R.I.P.“ Flora Huebl