Sofia: In anticipation of the first snow

Sofia Municipality has begun to check the readiness of cleaning companies for the coming season. The Sofia Inspectorate wants to ensure that firms have enough sand, salt and lye, as well as specialized machinery and equipment.
.A.S.A. / FCC Environment are committed to keeping the streets clear of snow and ice in the municipalities and communities we serve. For this winter we have everything you need, such as; snowplows and thawing mixtures and we do not anticipate big problems.
"Our task is to maintain a functional service in any weather situation, but nonetheless we hope that the winter will be mild this year. In case of severe weather, firms are required to provide additional equipment and must always be ready to respond quickly when snowfall occurs." said Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova.
The Operation manager of .A.S.A. Bulgaria, Orlin Karabashev commented: "When the weather forecast indicates that there will be snow, we are always ready to start our work. "
Winter maintenance begins in November, but forecasts are monitored daily so .A.S.A. Bulgaria is always ready to begin cleaning snow off the roads when required.