Successful remediation project in Milevsko
FCC Environment CEE introduces the new video mapping the remediation project of a former bituminous mix plant in Milevsko.
The goal of the project was to completely remove the old environmental burden, i. e. remove the contaminated soil, backfilling and other material (waste). Most of the contamination consisted of PCBs which could migrate from the rock environment into the surface water layer of the Váša pond and into the Milevsko creek.
The remediation project has been completed in a very short time, from September 2017 till August 2018. The total amount of removed waste was 17,878.18 tons and the total volume of cleaned ground water was 6,966.72 m3.
The project was co-financed by the European Union, the Cohesion Fund under the Operational Program Environment. Managing Authority was the Ministry of the Environment, the Intermediate Body The State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic and the grant recipient DIAMO, state enterprise. The project was realized by FCC Česká republika and company GEOTest.