The pupils' competition in collection of waste paper breaks records!
Since 1997 the company FCC Environment CEE (.A.S.A.) has been systematically engaged in cooperation with schools in environmental education. The most important objective of FCC programs is to encourage ecological behaviour of future generations in the spirit of the company motto "Service for the Future". The program also includes a school competition in the waste paper collection.
The competition started in the school year 2001/2002 in the Czech Republic. "Back then, 10,757 pupils from 67 schools in Prague and Brno participated in this competition, who collected 198,954 kg of paper," recalls Martina Mazurová who is in charge of the competition in the Czech Republic. "During the 15 years of the competition, the number of participants and the amount of the collected paper multiplied. We can say that almost every year we break records. "In the calendar year 2015/2016 pupils collected a record amount of paper again 4,027,682 kg. 105,675 pupils from 620 schools participated in this competition.
Such competition also runs in the Slovak Republic and Serbia. The competition has been held in the Slovak Republic since the school year 2008/2009 and in Serbia since 2013/2014. Only this year the pupils have already collected over 300,000 kg in these countries.
During the duration of the competition, the pupils in the three above mentioned countries belonging to the FCC Environment CEE Group (.A.S.A.) have collected in total over 37 million kilograms of paper. This would have saved about 75,000 tons of wood as a primary raw material.
Learn more about the ecological education in
- Czech Republic
- Slovakia
- Serbia
- Poland
(information available in local languages only)