WtE technology as part of the circular economy
Waste is no longer seen as something finite and unnecessary, its potential for recovery and return to circulation, whether in the form of "new" materials obtained through recycling or in the form of energy, is growing and ever new methods are being found to make the most of it.
Through its legislative requirements the EU is also pursuing a strategy of maximising the recovery of waste, including a ban on landfilling. Because not all waste can be recycled back into circulation, other methods of waste treatment need be used and WtE technology is also to be considered as part of the circular economy. This will be for at least the next ~20 years, with products increasingly being designed so that most input materials can be collected separately and recycled.

Energy - the essence of life
Society and the economy are driven by energy - energy is the essence of life. Since primary sources of fossil fuels are limited, waste is becoming increasingly important as an alternative energy source. Waste as part of the energy mix is indispensable for the sustainable and safe supply of energy. The high energy content of waste is comparable with that of lignite and is predestined for energetic utilisation.
Always in the context of legislation, we want to utilise the waste we collect in households, trade and industry, to transform and return it to the resource cycle through treatment also by generating energy from it. Incineration is one of the most sophisticated methods used to turn waste into energy for households and industrial enterprises, by recycling the useful materials in the waste.
Our approach
Our strategic approach is to get as much waste as we can to recycling by using different treatment technologies. But extracting value – in the form of energy – from the waste we can’t bring to recycling is an equally important part of our approach. Thanks to a variety of diverse technologies, we are able to more or less cover the entire value chain.
Waste that cannot be recycled can be used as a fuel at our Waste to Energy plants, or it may be used to create Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF). Although part of the EU's strategy is to eliminate landfilling in the context of the circular economy package and zero waste philosophy, there will always be a minimum amount of waste that cannot be recycled and ends up e.g. in landfills. We at FCC Environment CEE do our best to maximise the recovery of landfilled waste by generating energy from landfill gas.