To treat waste as a resource is the very principle of our company.
Waste sorting is the core procedure that follows after the separately collected packaging waste from municipal waste collection and similar waste from commercial and industrial clients is coming to our recycling facilities.
Why is waste sorting important?
Thanks waste sorting you can minimise the amount of waste from businesses, local authorities and households that ends up in landfill and transforming it into valuable resource in the same time.
Waste sorting is the process by which the a.m. waste is separated into different elements (paper, plastics, glass,...) and further sorted into the main categories for each element as office waste, old magazine paper, old newsprint, cardboards for the paper and PET bottles white/transparent – green- blue-other, tetra-pack, foils and drugstore packaging for the plastics.
Sorted material is pressed into tight bales ready to be delivered to further manufacturing, where serves as input for production of new products. Those materials which cannot be recycled reasonably are mainly utilized as RDF.
What is the waste sorting process?
Waste sorting is the process by which the a.m. waste is separated into different elements (paper, plastics, glass,...) and further sorted into the main categories for each element as office waste, old magazine paper, old newsprint, cardboards for the paper and PET bottles white/transparent – green- blue-other, tetra-pack, foils and drugstore packaging for the plastics.
Sorted material is pressed into tight bales ready to be delivered to further manufacturing, where serves as input for production of new products. Those materials which cannot be recycled reasonably are mainly utilized as RDF.
Find out how our Sorting Plants work