Who we are

FCC Group has been operating in Slovakia for more than 30 years and belongs to the multinational FCC CEE Group. The first subsidiary, originally called .A.S.A., was established in 1992. FCC is currently one of the largest and most perspective companies in waste management in Slovakia. It serves more than 550,000 inhabitants and offers comprehensive waste management services for municipalities, companies, businesses, entrepreneurs and citizens as well as environmental services and supports. During more than 30 years of operation on the Slovak market, FCC companies in Slovakia have undergone many innovations in technology and services. We always want to be close to our customers and are ready to offer support in waste management solutions and other services.

Who we are

Our locations

Through our companies and locations, we provide a wide range of services to more than 550,000 people in almost 200 towns and villages in Slovakia. We provide comprehensive waste management services to almost 1,400 industrial customers and more than 45 branches of retail chains.

Our locations

Our services

In Slovakia, we provide a wide range of waste management solutions for municipalities, industrial, commercial and retail sectors, entrepreneurs and citizens. With our extensive fleet of trucks and special vehicles for various types of waste, modern collection and container systems, and in-house waste sorting and treatment facilities supported by expert and individual consultancy services, the company has achieved the status of the first choice contact for all waste management needs.FCC Environment CEE's mission is expressed in the motto: "Service for the future". Through the proven quality of our services and investment focusing on clean technologies, we minimize the environmental burden, ensuring the quality of life for present and future generations.  

Our services

Contact form

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