
Municipal and citizen services

Services for Municipalities and Citizens

At FCC Environment CEE, we are dedicated to securing a high quality of life for citizens by improving living conditions in towns and cities through a comprehensive range of municipal services.

We are proud of our long-term cooperations with municipalities, that enable us to support and invest in infrastructure services via joint-ventures based on private-public-partnership (PPP) with local authorities.

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Semi-underground municipal waste containers
Semi-underground municipal waste containers

Trnava City

With the aim of making waste management more efficient, in 2017 the city of Trnava in Slovakia installed semi-underground municipal waste containers and is planning to replace standard containers with the modern semi-underground ones over the next two to three years. While classic waste containers hold a capacity of 1,100 litres, a new half-filled semi-underground container can contain up to about 5,000 litres of waste. This means that less containers are necessary, making the cityscape more attractive. Moreover, collection transport costs can be reduced. In addition, the new containers have a better compaction ratio as they are higher and the waste is more compressed than in traditional containers. This reduces odours, making the environment more hygienic.

Funeral Services
Funeral Services


The Funeral Service in Tarnobrzeg has its own funeral chapel and is the administrator of the Communal Cemetery in Sobów, since its establishment in 1989 and the parish cemetery, which it manages since 1990. Based on years of experience FCC offer comprehensive funeral services of the highest standard and quality level. We have a qualified team of experienced specialists and professional technical equipment like hearses, a wide range of coffins, urns and other funeral accessories. The principles of our operation allow us to provide strong organizational and substantive support for the family mourning, at the same time relieving them of burden related to the formal side of the burial organization.

Maintenance of the botanical garden
Maintenance of the botanical garden


The botanical garden In Prostějov, which is open to the public, was first opened in 1934. It spans an area of approximately 4.600 m2, has about 447 trees and shrubs as well as 1.500 different kind of plants. FCC is responsible for the maintenance of the area including the grooming of pavements and driveways, the upkeeping of trees – from the irrigation over planting, pruning and raking leaves – as well as lawn mowing and the transportation of waste.

Implementation of sustainable waste management
Implementation of sustainable waste management

Waste Management Association Völkermarkt - St. Veit/Glan in Carinthia

For nearly 30 years the Waste Management Assiociation Völkermarkt has been successfully operating a landfill and splitting plant for household waste together with FCC ENTSORGA. These plants process approximately 40.000 tons of waste every year. The aim of the partnership is the implementation of legally compliant and sustainable waste management.

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