Znojmo is the best in the region in sorting waste
The prestigious award in the competition "We sorted the best 2011" received in recent days, South County community, which in the past year the best sorted waste.
In the first place in the category of towns with over 10,000 inhabitants located town of Znojmo, in the main and secondary competition. Every resident of the city from its sorted waste per year on average 47.7 kg of paper, plastic, glass, and beverage cartons.
Znojmo ahead in the category of cities with more than 10,000 inhabitants in the main competition Vyskov second, behind which followed the city Hodonín Kyjov and Breclav.
The criterion with the largest weight in the main competition was just yield, that the amount of separated waste per year, per one citizen. But played a role, among other things, really, what proportion of municipal waste managed to sort out the inhabitants of villages. Points community also obtain a separate collection of white and colored glass, or a sort of beverage cartons.